domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Don't speak

"Viste? era obvio.."
"Boluda, deja de tirarte abajo!"
"Y, pero, si es verdad."
"Mira..él es el boludo que se lo pierde..."
"Nah, no se lo pierde... no lo gana que es diferente, pero no me pierde.."
"Callate tarada"

Si, lo admito, vivo tirandome abajo. Pero igual, siempre lo mismo, me busco el chabon más difícil que encuentro... es como si tuviera un radar, siempre me atraen los chicos difíciles, sieempre tienen el mismo perfil. Un conocido me dijo ayer, que dejara de complicarme la vida, que ser feliz no es tan difícil, pero nos complicamos la vida. Es verdad, siempre busco la manera de enroscarme. O sino, soy feliz, y sigo exigiendo, asi las cosas se hacen más difíciles y hasta que el otro se cansa. No me dejo ser feliz :/

You and me we used to be together everyday together always. I really feel that I´m losing my best friend, I can´t believe this could be the end. It looks as though you´re letting go and if it´s real, well, I don´t want to know.
Don´t speak, I know just what you´re saying, so please stop explaining, don´t tell me cause it hurts. Don´t speak, I know what you´re thinking I don´t need your reasons don´t tell me cause it hurts.
Our memories, well, they can be inviting but some are altogether. Mighty frightening as we die, both you and I, with my head in my hands I sit and cry.
Don´t speak, I know just what you´re saying, so please stop explaining, don´t tell me cause it hurts. Don´t speak, I know what you´re thinking I don´t need your reasons don´t tell me cause it hurts.
It´s all ending I gotta stop pretending who we are...You and me I can see us dying...are we?
Don´t speak, I know just what you´re saying, so please stop explaining, don´t tell me cause it hurts. Don´t speak, I know what you´re thinking I don´t need your reasons don´t tell me cause it hurts.

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